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A Marriage In Wyoming (The Marshall Brothers 3) Page 5

  “Make trouble?”

  “I’ll get impatient with your faith-based approach to life. You’ll try to change my mind, draw me into your church, which I’ll resist. We’ll argue and then we’ll break up, with a lot of torment on both sides. I’m suggesting we avoid that distress by keeping our connection casual.”

  His smile faded and he gave a long, low whistle. “You’ve got it all figured out, after one day.” Hands in the pockets of his jeans, he shrugged. “I think you’re wrong about both of us. As I see it, we could learn from each other, improve both our lives by sharing our points of view. I’m not some wild-eyed hermit who sees visions and hears voices. I’m just an ordinary guy who hopes to make things better for the people of his community with a little faith, hope and love. And the greatest of those is love.” He sighed. “If casual is what you want, though, that’s what you’ll get. Ready to check in with Lena?”

  “Of course.”

  He let her go into the room ahead of him, his usual polite approach. But Rachel noticed a difference in the air around them, as if a light had dimmed and there were shadows where there used to be brightness. Garrett seemed to be himself when talking to Lena and Justino, telling jokes and relating stories about his adventures on the ranch. He was certainly as polite as ever when she joined in the conversation. But the coolness of his gaze when he glanced at her, his politeness as he listened when she spoke, put a chill in the air. She wished she had a sweater to warm up.

  Kim Kaiser returned in the afternoon to give Lena and Garrett an intensive session on insulin—the different types and how to measure it, the kinds of situations that called for adjustments in dosages.

  Lena soon got frustrated. “This is worse than school! I can’t understand all these numbers and names.”

  Garrett was frowning at the papers he’d been given. “I have to agree. Rapid-acting, intermediate, long-term…how do we know what to use when?”

  Kim obviously tried to be patient. “Lena will test her blood-sugar level and then decide how much insulin to take based on what she has eaten or is planning to eat.”

  “How often do I have to do this test?”

  “When you get up in the morning, before lunch, before dinner and at bedtime.”

  “Every day?”

  “That would be safest. Another positive step to take is a twenty-four-hour check, so you’ll track how your blood sugar behaves during the night when you’re asleep.”

  “That sounds pretty difficult,” Garrett said. “Setting an alarm every couple of hours?”

  “Or having someone wake her up to do the test.”

  Lena slapped her hands down on the blanket. “Wonderful.”

  Rachel walked to the end of the bed. “This all seems overwhelming, doesn’t it?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “There’s a lot you have to learn at the beginning. As with any new skill—horses, for example. You didn’t just get on and know everything about riding.”

  “It was easier than this.”

  “Or how about dancing? Do you like to dance? Salsa, maybe?”

  Lena glanced at her boyfriend and grinned. “We love to dance.”

  “But you had to learn the steps slowly at first, and concentrate on where to put each foot, how to move your hips and hands and head.”

  “I guess so.”

  “With your diabetes, you have to learn the steps. Testing your blood sugar is the first one. Knowing which insulin to take at the right time is next. Figuring out when and what to eat is also important. All of these moves will help you stay well.”

  “But it’s sooooo complicated.”

  “Salsa dancing is complicated for me,” Garrett said. “I’m totally uncoordinated when I try.”

  That made Lena laugh, as he’d surely intended. “I can teach you,” she said, “when we go back.”

  “It’s a plan.” He nodded firmly. “But for now, we have to concentrate on insulin.”

  When Kim left the room later in the afternoon, Lena had gained a basic understanding of her routine. “I won’t be able to do anything but testing and taking shots,” she pouted. “I’ll never get to have fun anymore.”

  “Yes, you will,” Rachel said. “Because, as happens with dancing, you’ll get faster at testing, injecting and managing your supplies.”

  “There is one more thing we need to talk about.” Garrett took a chair at the side of the bed. “Caroline and Ford reassured the other kids at the ranch that you were getting better and the doctors were taking care of you. The question is, do you want them to know you have diabetes? We could explain what that means, kind of prepare them for the fact that you’ll be testing and taking injections. It’s your decision but, in my opinion, that would be easiest.”

  Lena let her head rest against the pillow, and tears seeped from underneath her closed eyelids. “It’s not enough to have to deal with this. I have to be embarrassed in front of everyone, too.”

  “Nobody will care, Lena.” Justino took her hand. “They won’t think different of you.”

  Rachel nodded. “Everybody has limitations. Garrett can’t dance.”

  “Hey, I can do a nice two-step. It’s just that salsa thing I don’t get.”

  “I can’t sing,” Rachel continued, ignoring him. “Much as I would enjoy it, my voice croaks like a frog. Your limitation is that you have to manage your blood sugar because your body won’t do it automatically. That’s all. It’s really a simple problem, and not the worst one you could have. You’re a strong girl who can handle this well if she puts her mind to it.”

  The room was quiet for a few minutes while Lena wrestled with the new facts of her life. Rachel found herself gazing at Garrett but shifted her focus when he glanced in her direction. The less contact between them, the easier it would be to let whatever wanted to develop die.

  “I guess you’d better tell them,” Lena said finally, with a sigh. “If they don’t want to be around me, at least I’ll know why.”

  “Good choice.” Garrett patted her shoulder. “Everybody has been worried about you, so hearing the truth will comfort them. And I bet you’ll find your friendships are the same as before. You’re no different—you just have a few extra things to consider.”

  Rachel considered that assessment too optimistic, but decided not to put a damper on the moment. “You’ll regain your balance,” she assured the girl. “There are lots of professional athletes and Hollywood stars who live successfully with diabetes. You can, too.”

  A nurse knocked on the door and then entered, carrying a food tray. “Dinnertime,” she said. “Do try to eat as much as you can.”

  Garrett got to his feet. “We’ll leave you alone for a few minutes. Then we have to head back to the Circle M, Justino. We’ve been gone all day.”

  Out in the hall, he gazed at the papers in his hand. “Lena’s right. This reminds me of chemistry class, where your grade depends on doing the lab exactly according to the instructions. Only it’s not just a grade, it’s her life.”

  Rachel hardened her heart against his concern. “As I said yesterday, you’re taking on a formidable task. Are you sure Lena doesn’t have family who could supervise her?”

  “I’m sure. Caroline checked her records at the office. There’s no one listed in the paperwork.”

  She shook her head. “Then, for better or worse, you’re going to have to master the information and use it. The more you understand, the less likely you’ll be to make a mistake.”

  He stared at her with wide eyes. “What kind of mistakes?”

  “If she takes too much insulin, then she’ll have to eat something to get sugar into her system. If she doesn’t take enough, she’ll have to test her blood and adjust the next dose. Diabetes isn’t an instantaneous problem—it’s a daily, weekly process of balance. With practice, you both should get used to the routine. How much longer does the ranch camp last?”

  “About a month.”

  “So Lena has a month to absorb this process before she’ll have to ta
ke care of herself without help. It’s not much time.”

  “But it’s all we get.” He blew out a deep breath. “I have a feeling we’ll be bothering you a lot once Lena leaves the hospital.”

  “In that case…” She reached into her purse and brought out a few of the business cards she had ordered. “This is the number. Take enough cards to put in various places you might call from—the kitchen, the place Lena sleeps, the barn, even. And keep your cell phone close by.”

  “Our cell reception is sketchy out on the ranch, but we have landlines in all those places you mentioned, so I should be able to get in touch.” His mouth relaxed into a smile. “Thanks for your help.”

  The jump in her pulse as their eyes met was a reminder of why she should keep Garrett Marshall at a distance. She was just too susceptible to his charm. “No problem. That’s what I’m in Bisons Creek to do.”

  There was a moment of silence, as he absorbed what she’d said. “Right. You’re the town doctor. It’s your job.” Then he leaned through the doorway into Lena’s room. “We’d better hit the road, Justino. Don’t want to miss dinner again. Lena, we will see you tomorrow morning. Have a good night.”

  With the boy dragging reluctantly behind him, Garrett headed toward the elevator, giving Rachel a two-fingered salute off his hat brim as he passed.

  Rachel realized she’d hurt his feelings, but what else could she do? He imagined possibilities where she saw only obstacles, and encouraging him would be unkind. She was absolutely convinced they would both be better off never letting anything emotional develop between them. Garrett would understand one day. If she just held firm.

  She went in and sat with Lena for a little while, encouraged to note that she’d regained some appetite and had eaten a good portion of her dinner. Soon enough, though, texts to and from Justino were taking most of the girl’s attention, so Rachel stood up from the chair by the bed. “I’ll leave for the night. But I’ll stop by tomorrow to check on how you’re getting along.”

  Lena gave her a sweet smile. “Thank you for being here. It helps to have you and Mr. Garrett to explain things.”

  “I’m glad. We’ll do what we can to make this new life as easy as possible for you. You’re old enough to be able to take care of yourself—you just have to learn how.”

  Her phone buzzed again, but Lena didn’t immediately read the text. “My dad expects me to take care of my brothers when I’m home.”

  “We’ll work on your schedule so that’s possible. And maybe we can get your dad to recognize the challenges you’re facing so he’ll lighten your load.”

  But Lena shook her head. “That will never happen.” Another buzz on her phone distracted her. “Night,” she said, and shifted her focus.

  “Good night.”

  After leaving the hospital, Rachel stopped by the grocery store in Buffalo so she could stock the refrigerator and pantry in her new kitchen. The drive home showed her a breathtaking sunset as the clouds streaking the western sky glowed red and gold over the peaks of the Big Horn Mountains. Purple twilight shadowed the rolling plains at the base of the mountain range, adding to the rich palette of colors.

  Coming back to Wyoming was a terrific choice. All the years away, she’d missed the spectacular views in her home state.

  As long as she kept her distance from Garrett Marshall.

  Unloading the shopping bags and fixing something to eat kept her occupied until full dark. She unpacked some of her personal books onto the shelves in the living room, reconnecting with old favorites she hadn’t enjoyed in years. She’d just chosen one to read for the night when her phone rang.

  “Rachel, it’s Caroline. How are you settling in?”

  They chatted about the apartment for a few minutes, and Rachel reported her assessment of Lena’s progress. “It’s a big change for a teenager,” she told her friend. “Teens think they’re immortal, and finding out they have this demanding disease can really knock them for a loop. But she’s going to pull it off. She’s a smart girl.”

  “I’ll be relieved when she’s on the ranch again where we can look after her. Although Garrett says the information he’s gotten so far is pretty challenging. I have to admit those papers don’t make much sense to me.”

  “It’s going to be difficult for all of you. We could have a meeting to go over the injection plan and her daily routine. That way everybody is on the same page.”

  “That would make me feel better,” Caroline said. “And it brings up, in a way, the reason I called, besides just to find out how you’re doing. I had a brilliant idea this afternoon.”

  “And what brilliant idea was that?”

  “Well, I mentioned to you that we’re trying to teach these kids responsibility, how to take care of themselves and make sound choices in their lives.”


  “It occurred to me that one of the skills they’ll need in the future is the ability to handle minor injuries and illness. We’ve already had a couple of accidents that required first aid. On a ranch, people are always getting scrapes or burns or cuts. Not to mention colds and the flu.”

  “And so…”

  “And so it occurred to me how great it would be if you could come out to the ranch and give the kids some instruction in first aid and basic home health care. Isn’t that a fantastic concept?”

  “Um…sure.” Garrett’s face flashed through Rachel’s mind. So much for trying to stay out of his way.

  “You could even go over CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, because you never know when that kind of emergency could come up. What do you think? Doesn’t it sound terrific for the kids?”

  A man’s voice said something on Caroline’s end, though Rachel couldn’t understand the words.

  Her friend chuckled. “Ford wants you to know that I make use of everybody like this, that you’re not the only one I impose on. Thanks so much for the support, dear,” she told her fiancé. “So what would be good for your schedule?” she asked Rachel. “When can we start?”

  Caroline’s gung-ho enthusiasm was familiar to Rachel from their college days. “I can probably come out around lunchtime, since I doubt I’ll have a flood of patients every day at the beginning. It will take a while for people to get used to having a doctor right in town.”

  “I’m already used to it,” Caroline said, laughing. “I’m so glad you took the job!” They discussed details and settled on the next Monday to begin the course. “You can check on Lena while you’re here,” she added. “That will be convenient.”

  Not necessarily, Rachel thought. She preferred the structure of an office visit for seeing her patients. It helped her maintain detachment. “I’ll be sure to set her up for regular appointments when the clinic opens.”

  “Perfect,” Caroline said. “Thanks so much. And we will expect you Monday for first aid, if not before.”

  Rachel hung up the phone and then sat with her head in her hand, her eyes closed. Instead of staying out of Garrett’s way, she was now going to be seeing him on a daily basis, going to his home to teach first aid to his camp kids. It would have been bad enough to deal with him when Lena came to the office, but in that kind of professional setting Rachel was certain she could keep control.

  On his territory, she wasn’t so sure the same would be true. The situation would be much less predictable. He would forget to keep his distance, and he’d smile. Or even flirt with her, as he was so skilled at doing. And with her attention distracted, how often would she respond in kind? This plan of Caroline’s was a personal disaster, as far as Rachel was concerned.

  But she had agreed, so she would simply have to deal with the situation. Maybe Garrett wouldn’t attend the first-aid sessions—he might have ranch work to do. That would be the best-case scenario. If he did attend, she’d simply be polite but cool. Focus on the kids and what they were learning, not the handsome minister in the cowboy hat. She’d often seen patients all day after going without sleep the night before, so she could handle this kind of stress, too

  She would have to. Getting too close to Garrett Marshall posed not only a personal risk, she had come to realize, but a professional one, as well. To make a success of her medical practice, she had to be viewed as an authority figure—a knowledgeable and reliable physician. Her patients would include ranchers and laborers working in the area, some of them men like Lena’s father who didn’t easily accept the competence of a young woman. Being the local pastor’s girlfriend could weaken her in their eyes and diminish their confidence in her skills. An old codger in Idaho had once dismissed her as “that cute little girl.”

  So she would keep Garrett at arm’s length as she established her practice. Maybe in the future, when the locals trusted her, there would be an opportunity for a romantic relationship. Garrett wouldn’t wait, of course—he would find a woman with similar beliefs to be his wife and give him those kids he wanted.

  That surprisingly disturbing concept kept her awake far longer than she would have preferred.

  Chapter Four

  Two days later, Lena was doing well enough with her injections that Dr. Stevens said she could return to the ranch on Thursday. Garrett expected a joyful reaction to that bit of news.

  But when he and Justino arrived at the hospital on Thursday morning, Lena was quite subdued. She sat in the chair in her room, appearing younger than her fourteen years.

  “We brought your backpack,” Justino told her, “to carry your equipment.”

  “Thanks.” She gave him an uncertain smile. “I hope it all fits in there.” Boxes of needles took up most of the space in the bag, along with her supply of insulin, an injection log Kim Kaiser had provided, and the books and papers Lena had been reading. The top zipper wouldn’t close.

  “But you got everything in there,” Garrett said, trying for the positive perspective. “We’ll figure out how to store this stuff when we get to the Circle M. Maybe a plastic box of some kind. For now, though, are you ready to go?”